kartika9 • blogs

Accomplishment this week

This weekend I finally sorted out my items since moving in early this year and changing office too. At last, the last box is gone.

It’s not finished yet. But I managed to classify them into their box category, which I still have 3 out of 10 boxes (my cabinet is boxy) had been tidied up inside. The rest of them, I just chucked everything inside.

I used the tips from Marie Kondo on how to tidy up your space. Don’t think too much and just keep categorizing it. Also, be bold to just throw it.

Initially I planned 1 hour to do so, but I enjoyed throwing things which occupying space for some reasons. (Quite likely I’m too lazy to sort out my items before and it holds some sentimental value to me)

Recently I feel drained, emotionally and physically. There were few conflicting thought in my mind; which pulls me to different direction.

Today’s activity made me feel a little freedom. Freedom from things from the past. Things that I hold dearly for whatever reasons. For a moment, seems like my time was frozen at that point where I have the items. I can’t move on.

Rather, I’m afraid to move on probably. Something from the past hurt me before, hence I bid goodbye to it. But it still has all the good memory.

It sounds weird right?

Do you ever feel the same?

I also did think about work, that lately I feel that whatever I do, is not good enough. I tempted to do some work, beyond checking email, but I did cancel it. I told myself, give yourself a break, not just from doing it, but also from thinking about it.

I find that I’m getting more and more dull, and couldn’t feel inspired or creative. And it frustrates me.

So I decided to listen to myself this week. I feel worried about work day by day, but I also told myself that don’t scared of it. The more you scared of it, the more you procrastinate, it will make whatever things you need to face, bigger.

I should be just be brave, don’t think too much, take one step at a time, and just be confident.

That’s what I learned and reminded this week, just because of the cleaning and unboxing exercise..

PS: maybe I should do cleaning more often haha!

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