kartika9 • blogs

The art of repeating

Repetition can be boring. Doing the same thing over and over again. Or can be scary too when you need to deal with some unpleasant experience again and again over short period of time. For example, cockroaches in your house keep showing up. =_=! (Ugh..)

But one thing I realize too is depending on the gap between one and another, it can be a good thing. Because it’s like a training, like it or not, just get used to it. As if that’s what life is trying to teach us.

It won’t get rid of my dislike completely to that certain activities or panic, but it helps me to be less worried and just do it. When it happened, I just said, ah it’s you again, to myself.

Same as running in tracks. One loop is 400m. Last weekend I joined my friend as rally buddy to complete 250 loops of 400m. My head reminds me of how I hate running in tracks because the view is the same and also reminds me of interval training (ugh =_=!) But after awhile, with many distractions like the crowd, the tv screen in the stadium and doing it for few rounds, I have less feeling about it.

So, maybe when we keep bumping to certain type of personality in our life, maybe it’s just a way of life telling us, just get used to it, don’t need to get worked up over it.

PS: to tracks, I won’t hate you anymore.. but given option of places to run, you still at the bottom of the list :p

PPS: same with you cockroaches

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