kartika9 • blogs

The pain needed to grow

Back in 90s there is a TV show called “Growing Pains”, and I grew up watching it. I didn’t think much about the meaning of title back then.

Sometime ago, Ajahn Brahm also mentioned in one of his talks about growing pain.

Pain is usually associated with bad or negative energy, unpleasant feeling, and no one wants it. It’s not always about the physical pain like bruise, but it can be one too.

When you’re aiming to complete something but didn’t go smoothly.

For example, there are times at work when I was so caught up with the situation I’m in. I thought, why can’t we have a smooth work. There are many factors contributing to it, aren’t it?

Or when you’re trying to run a marathon, when you just want to finish it but your legs won’t just cooperate.

At first, those pains make me upset, disappointed or irritated. But I start to appreciate it as pit stop. When things just move smoothly, sometimes I tend to forget what happened around me.

Tired mind could be caused by ourselves, we think too much, or take the damage to ourselves. Muscle pain because we hardly exercise or we do it wrongly. So let’s embrace them.

As things are happened for a reason.

Do you have any growing pains moment lately?

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