kartika9 • blogs

The only competition I’m having is

While last week I was inspired by my sensei’s word,  but this week I get my inspiration through this talk in YouTube. The talk appears in the recommendation to watch list. I like it so much and I shared the video in my LinkedIn too.  Within Simon’s video and what sensei told us, there is a similar message.

Simon mentioned that there are 2 type of games or competitions, finite and infinite. Players in finite environment tend to have mindset to win it. On the other hand, in infinite environment, players are playing to keep the game going.

He used Apple as example. Apple doesn’t always get praises from their customers, however they are focusing on up-ing their own product than defeating the other players. There are days when you perform slightly below average, but that’s okay. Learned from it and be better.

These days, I’m practicing running and swimming quite a lot. However, I felt that I’m still no good for swimming although as in compared to before taking the class, I felt there are some improvement.

Few friends told me that they were bad at first too. Believe in yourself, keep practicing, and one day, you’ll get better.

So, my running time is not that great, but as in compared to me running 6km for the first time in 2010-2011 under the rain back then which took me almost 1 hour to finish it, now I can run 5-6km comfortably.

About swimming, when I’m thinking about it.. I only started to be able to swim breast stroke somewhere around 2005-2006 and I hardly swim (or exercise =_=!). Then, only lately learning free style again. So, in terms of mileage in the water, I’m still a baby.

There is still long way to go Kartika. Don’t lose sight of it and remember to keep improving your miles. In land and water.

And, participate in one race at a time, do your best to complete it then challenge it again.

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