kartika9 • blogs

To be more confident, follow these

  1. Do few baby steps, and do it right. It will make you feel good and confident.
  2. Once you get it right, add the intensity or steps or do it for longer period.
  3. If it wasn't going well, stop and reflect.
  4. Then repeat the last one when you're succeed.

Those were my swimming coach advice to us this week.
She often asked us, how do we feel, did we do this or that, and so on. Because it's easier to correct it when we, the doer, aware about what and how we do it.
If we don't, that's why we need mentor or teacher, or coach, or friend to tell us cos they can see from different point of view.
They can help us to close the gap between what we think we are doing and what we actually do. Then we find a way to make it better.
Training or learning is a way to condition ourselves to the D-day. And even if you can't do it on the big day, there is always next time.
What do you think?

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