kartika9 • blogs

Are you enjoying your climb?

from: The 20 Best Inspirational Cycling Quotes

You think I may be really addicted to this sport. Yes, I am~!

5 life lessons I learned recently from this sport

  1. It’s therapeutic. I like to enjoy my ride by enjoying the view. That includes chasing my friends who usually way ahead in front of me. (I hope I can improve my endurance.)
  2. What goes up, will go down and it will take turn. Enjoy the pain of climbing and enjoy the slope.
  3. Flat road is boring? It’s a good place to do your drills or train your stamina. Best if you do it with friends. There are lots of possibilities.
  4. Sometimes it’s not about the legs, but it’s the head. When I stop listening to my head, I can keep going. Sometimes I just think or anticipate too much what comes next. Do your best for now, and leave next later.
  5. You don’t need to be fast, you just need to complete it. Then, get better for the next one. When I started biking, it took me almost 45 mins to complete 12-15km, but it becomes faster. So, the most important part it, just get it started! Allow ourselves to be beginner!


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