kartika9 • blogs

400th post

Something to celebrate! This post is my 400th post since I blogged 5 years ago. (yay!)

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun

Another reason to celebrate is when I looked at my 2015 check list, it’s progressing quite well. Although, there is minor adjustment from the original plan because of situation changes. (Sounds like mid-year review eh?)

Do you like to document your journey? Or tracking activity that you do?

I find it cumbersome at first, logging my food, tracking my steps, monitoring my sleep patterns, etc. But now it became a background process to me.

Speaking about activity tracking, I used to use Jawbone Up at first as my first exercise partner, but I had issues with them. I got it replaced 2x, and I gave up in the end.

Second tracker I got was Fitbit Zip from a research I joined last year. The research is over so I returned the Fitbit to the organizer.

What I learned from my two fitness tracker is, it’s really motivating to look at the number and progress.

So, Jawbone Up/Up24 was my first love, looks cool, a lot of excitements but it wasn’t too reliable. I need to use it with care. But, I still love the app, the app dashboard is the best to me. In terms of summarizing and the UI.

Fitbit Zip was my reliable simple buddy. It told me steps number, works very stable. What you see is what you get.

And now.. my new partner is Garmin VivoActive. Please be good to me. 🙂

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