kartika9 • blogs

3 activities to find new inspiration

Recently, I have a mind block, again. It’s like a cycle, there are times when you are so full of energy that you believe that you are incredibles; and there are times when you are so down until you don’t know what you really want, I call it total desperation.

Well, it’s normal. Everyone has it.

Although there are different ways to handle this situation, even for myself sometimes this works and sometimes doesn’t, here is some of the alternatives you can consider:

1. Stay away from your desk

Desk bound work can dull your mind easily. Despite the work that we need to do, i.e. a developer like me, occasionally we need to stretch out our body.

2. Don’t think too hard, stay still and observe

Most of the time, we have the battle inside our mind. The problem is actually not as hard as we imagine. Sometimes we make a big fuss over small things. When we stay still and not think, we may able to see things differently; because we don’t have prejudice over something we see or experience.

For me, imagining that I’m traveling opens up my mind to accept new things. It works because when you’re traveling, you want to see lots o new things, to experience something you don’t normally have.

3. Stay away from caffeine and eat healthier

I need caffeine, sometimes. It gives me a boost to finish some urgent tasks. It will work for short term, and will not work for long term. Imagine, that every time you have your dosage, it will take away your “future” energy.

Last one, a bonus, is

4. Talk it to a kid

When we try to describe our complex problem to a kid, we will do our best to simplify things so that they can understand our story. And during that process, without we realize, we will be able to recognize what is important and what aren’t.

We, adults, tend to be trapped with the norm or other usual, normal way that is acceptable by the society. So the older we are, the more barriers we have and the more timid we are. And that makes us less creative and doesn’t feel inspired at all.

Like some sayings, it’s easier to speak than to do; I experience this too, so I did those and they helped me. It may not work for me again in the future, so what I need to do is, to keep looking what are the other way to keep me inspired.

How do you find your inspiration?

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