kartika9 • blogs

My style is..

Almost a year ago, I wrote this post. And near the end of the post, I wrote this:

.. So, I asked myself again. Do I really blog because I want to share the good things or for fame? What are my definitions of good blogger? Which one is more important to me, articles quality posts or articles quantity? Do I plan realistically or I just want to get to my destination as fast as  I could?

I haven’t found the answer for all of the questions above. ..

And also, I came into conclusion that when you doing it for the right purpose, you will feel good while doing it in that post. You barely feel the stress or whatsoever.

Have I found the answer?

Yes. I said so.

But, it’s possible that as long as I embark my journey, after learning from the people I met in the journey or from others, I may have different answers for those questions.


1. Do I really blog because I want to share the good things or for fame?

Fame. That’s my answer if we were still leaving in the year 2010. I want to have huge traffic to my blog, I want to be able to get revenue by writing a blog.

Neither fame or sharing, it’s for myself. This is my current answer. I like to write because I want to improve my English and practice to organize my thoughts.

A while back when I went back to my home, I found my old notes when I started to write my thoughts in English. Honestly, it’s really a broken English. But, I still have the feeling that I had written those with all my best. The more I read those, the more I can see that my English is somehow improved.

2. What are my definitions of good blogger?

A good blogger also a person who can inspire others through their writings. That’s what I always thought.

But along the way, I learned that it isn’t as simple as that. Different people have different way of thinking about the blog, like for some people they want to earn money, so they will build a blog that will likely to drive high traffic to their sites.

Good bloggers are people who can blog consistently. Like a newspaper which always published at the same time of the day, so good bloggers should be consistent when it comes to publishing the article.

The posts may mean something, otherwise why there is a post in the first place. But for who? It may either for the readers, or for the bloggers themselves as a way to write their thoughts. So, good bloggers know how to handle their thought effectively. Even if the post is just a news about themselves.

3. Which one is more important to me, articles quality posts or articles quantity?

I have same answer since back then, I would go for quality.

4. Do I plan realistically or I just want to get to my destination as fast as  I could?

I admit that I didn’t plan it realistically in the past, I burnt out easily. I’m an impatient person in nature, so when I didn’t see the result, I’ll stress out myself easily.

Do I plan it now? Hmm.. The answer is yes. I have certain target that I want to accomplish by end of the year. Knowing the deadline makes it easier for me to plan backwards. What should I achieve on certain time of the month.

To sum up, sometimes things in the past are worth to revisit. It’s a milestone for us to look forward for the future. And to me, though that I have a thought to commercialized the blog in the first place, I didn’t want to do it again. If it’s happened then it’s great, but the first reason I build a blog is not for that.

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