kartika9 • blogs

3 easy tips to keep your consistency

Every one of us has their own pace on doing something. Doing it repetitively we can call it consistency. And far from the ideal scenario, we always have something happened in between our normal daily life in a way that disrupt the pace.

Talking about work, sometimes we are so confused with our tasks. Usually the longer you work at your work place, eventually you will have more and more tasks. Just kidding. 🙂

Consistency can also means doing our work timely for example always post blog article in certain days, or deliver our work in timely manner.

So, in this post here are some tips I did to keep my consistency..

1. Set a schedule for your tasks.

I find that it’s easier to start a new task by setting up a schedule or certain timings. Because naturally, it’s hard to start a new, but once we get used to it, it will become part of our activities.

Schedule also helps to remind us, that some tasks need to be done before others.

2. Follow it and do it.

Follow the schedule no matter how we feel or think about doing the task. Sometimes all the hard work is just in our head. When we really do it, it’s not that hard or complicated. Imagining it, thinking about it, feeling it are the hard works.

3. Learn from others.

It’s not only us who experienced it, ask people around you, surely we will find some people that experienced it before. They may have different activities but the main issue, to maintain consistency, will be there. And who knows that their unique way may inspire you to find out yours?

Last one,

4. Practice, practice and practice.

No one makes it perfectly in the first place, you may think that I’m still not that consistent, or I’m not consistent enough to do the task every now and then. Everyone does it. What we can do is, we learned from the past, what makes us didn’t follow or unable to follow the schedule, learn from it and we improve it. Life is continuous learning, remember.

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