kartika9 • blogs

Getting our feet back on the ground

Lesson of the week: it’s hard to make a new habit, but it’s harder to get it back.

This post is still related to my recent trip which I mentioned in previous post. The trip summary, we had a trip because of public holiday fell on Monday, so it was a long weekend trip. On top of that, we add one more day by taking one day leave on Friday, thus we have 4 days 3 nights for the trip.

Basically I was away from my daily routine for one day because of the trip. Daily routine here means my working day routine. Since it was ended on Monday, all of us were supposedly going to work the next day. And come to my surprise, I feel more tired than before I had the trip. I can’t concentrate much at work, I took longer time to solve problems and days feel longer than usual. (oops..)

Some of my colleagues teased me by saying, maybe the holiday wasn’t long enough for me and having a brain freeze after holiday is normal after all.

Have you ever experienced it?

How did I finally manage to get back on my feet? Here are few tricks I did.

1. Give myself time to recuperate

My usual Tuesday morning routine starts with a treadmill-ing at gym or taking yoga class which starts at 7am. I wake up at 6am or earlier, prepare the attire and take the bus. It usually takes around 1 hour, so by 815 I will look for my breakfast and walk to my office nearby. But, I allow myself to recharge by skipping the gym. There is a saying from Abraham Lincoln,

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

It means, we also need to allow our body to rest so that we can perform better in effective way.

2. Not too feel guilty when I resting myself

For those who are used to work, or can’t stand to do nothing (like me), you may feel guilty when you’re resting. You worry about the work while you’re resting, but when you try to work, you can’t think of anything. Does it sound familiar to you? So, the point is, just relax and enjoy it to the fullest to strike back.

3. Make a to do list of tasks that supposedly need to he done

Well, let’s say you’re worried that you might forget the task that you’re supposedly doing (but you’re not because you take a “nap”), write that down. Put priority and sort them based on the priority. After resting, I believe that you can finish it swiftly.

To conclude, you can try that if you need yourself to be ready to work on something after a “break”, or do you have your tricks to share?

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