kartika9 • blogs

my (most) favorite quote

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life – by Steve Jobs.

I’ve been using that quote as my email signature for quite sometimes since I know about it few years back. The rest of the sentences following those quotes are:

Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

For a brief, I was remembering what I used to be. I didn’t mean to be mellow, but, I didn’t have any idea about my life which formed my current me. I had many dreams that time, dream about having this or achieving that.

Reading Steve Jobs’ story now, made me remembered about those time.

Because, in a very male dominant world, somehow I feel that I’m facing a giant. Most of my female friends who studied in the same fields, chose to change their fields or even do quite a drastic change.

I’m not Steve who dream high and do his best to bring that to real. (Well, as I read the book, I also found out that he was not a Mr. Nice Guy in the past) Well, everyone has their flaws but he’s still one of my idols.

Then it also made me ask myself, where does my spontaneous, easily irritated, impatience personality go? I felt that I become more reserved, observant, strategist type.. Or I can say, I hold back and will not let people to enter my world.

Anyway.. the good thing is, I can enjoy different part or having different life style.

So, I feel that I’m on a transition phase, or we can say puberty? Which honestly, made me slightly excited about what I’m gonna be next.

On the last part of his speech, he said “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” which he quoted from another book.

I say to myself, next thing that I should do is, don’t think too much, or maybe don’t dream too much. Instead, I should focus on one dream, do the best, make it big, moreover, make it as my “art” by listening more to my inner voice and not too be afraid about being different. Therefore, to stay hungry, to stay foolish, as he said.



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