Note to self after a trip

Last week I was having a business trip to Shanghai for a training. I was so worried especially when I heard that Shanghai was cold and it was snowing on the week of my trip. Will I able to cope with the cold? The day before my departure I was having different worry. Should I bring my iPad or should I just bring my phone? How am I going to stay connected? And many more. Sounds trivial right? Note no […]

The beauty of traveling

The traffic to airport was heavy.. But we made it. The queue on immigration gate was long because not many gates were opened, but suddenly more gates were opened and made it to change queuing lane. There was a queue at the second security check point and suddenly the officer pointed at the other side, so made it through too.. In conclusion, too many queues before reaching the boarding room.. What a day.. But it also means, there will be […]