We are who we are

Lacus to Kira: you are kind because you are, not because you are a coordinator. (Gundam Seed) There are situations when we did good things, we were scolded by others. Saying that we should not be that kind. (for whatever reason, maybe to bad people?) However deep in our heart, we feel that’s the right thing to do. And if we didn’t do it, we will feel even worse. I know it’s hard to describe the situation or rather abstract. But […]

Thought on connecting with people

I’m sure that once a while, a question like “how can I connect better with that person?” popped inside our head. A friend who lets you to become yourself without the needs to worry is a gem. And what are the path that we need to walk to reach that stage? There are many. But there are two basic values that we need to have: honesty and sincerity. Honest is easy when it comes to saying good things. But, the […]

Thoughts on Apple

On remembering Steve Jobs, I remember the first time I heard about his name was after I graduated. A lecturer in campus showed his commencement speech in Stanford. I already felt that his speech was inspiring, really. I couldn’t imagine how thy speech can influence me so deep in the future. On knowing my campus is part of Apple campus, I know that Apple stuff is pretty unaffordable in Indonesia. Unless you make a fair earning. Last time I visited […]