Key learning from my recent Japan trip

When people asked me when did I start to study Japanese? I can’t remember it well until when I found my school receipt. It was dated 2010. One of the most frequently asked question in class is why do you study Japanese? I still remember the reason vividly. So that I’ll be able to watch J-dorama (Japanese drama series) without subtitle. Having lived outside Japan, we need to depend on the community to provide the subtitle for the drama. These […]

My style is..

Almost a year ago, I wrote this post. And near the end of the post, I wrote this: .. So, I asked myself again. Do I really blog because I want to share the good things or for fame? What are my definitions of good blogger? Which one is more important to me, articles quality posts or articles quantity? Do I plan realistically or I just want to get to my destination as fast as  I could? I haven’t found the […]