My best trait is

If someone asked you that question what will be your answer? While you think about it, I’ll share mine. That question popped into my head this morning. (I think) I don’t have any special or best trait because I’m just average. Here are 2 examples why I think I’m average: As a primary school/junior high/senior high student, I didn’t belong to the bottom of the class but yet I didn’t belong to top student who usually actively participated in competition […]

Taking turns

Imagine yourself in this scenario (I’m sure it’s not hard to imagine) One morning when you wake up, you have a very foul mood. Feel tired, you want to get back to your sleep but you can’t. You feel that you need to start your routine. On top of that, basically you don’t feel good about yourself. Familiar with the situation? You feel that you are at the bottom part of your life. You don’t feel inspired at all. Everything […]