About taking test

Surgeons are put through rigorous tests just to get in the game. We endure decades of anxiety-provoking acronyms. SAT. MCAT. USMLE. ABSITE. And if we pass that gauntlet, we are rewarded with the need to log 850 surgeries and take an 8-hour multiple choice and oral exam. There is almost no time to take in the victory. Or even a nap. Researchers studied why some people perform better on tests. They found that it’s not necessarily related to intelligence. Some […]

The pain needed to grow

Back in 90s there is a TV show called “Growing Pains”, and I grew up watching it. I didn’t think much about the meaning of title back then. Sometime ago, Ajahn Brahm also mentioned in one of his talks about growing pain. Pain is usually associated with bad or negative energy, unpleasant feeling, and no one wants it. It’s not always about the physical pain like bruise, but it can be one too. When you’re aiming to complete something but […]

A LIVE (Pt 2)

自分の価値気付かないのは、自分の認めないだけだろう If you fail to realize your value, isn’t it because you didn’t acknowledge it That’s what the main character told the other lead, after hearing that his justification why he behaved that way and did many things because he wants to be recognize by the people around him.


可能性がゼロでないなら、追求しなきゃ。 As long as the possibility is not zero, we should pursue it. Was said by a female doctor to the main lead. I’ll not say anymore to avoid any spoilers. If you have time, you should watch this Japanese drama A LIVE. It’s still airing, although it’s reaching out it’s climax.


Shinagawa Daichi: Once they label you delinquent then the label will stuck with you forever Adachi Hana: The first time I met you, you were willing to do something for someone you just met. So I think you’re a nice guy. Isn’t it just you trying to keep the label? We have the option to change Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん) I’m following 37.5度の涙 (37.5° no Namida) drama at this moment and one of the main characters is played by Narimiya Hiroki […]