Standing firm

Wow! I must be starting to get my writing mode back.. I picked up topics from things happened around me pretty fast. I even found a new direction for my blog. Anyway, I can talk about it later on separate post. You may heard a saying that if you want anything in your life, you need to let the “universe” know about it. Don’t keep it to yourself, because it will be likely to happen if you let it out. So, […]

Checking your intention when you do something

I’m quite sure that everyone will ever want to do something or want to be someone, making it as a goal, and starting to walk to reach the goal. As the time goes, some storms came and passed by, some hills needed  to be climbed and you will start question why you started this journey in the first place. You started to doubt your own goal. You sit alone by yourself and asked, “Why this journey started?” Maybe, you don’t […]

To be popular

If you’re following my tweet, some time last week you may find article about recent narcissism trend caused by facebook. You can find the article from (click here to read it). It is a very interesting study, I say. Based on that article, definition of narcism is “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.” And, somewhere in the middle the article states that: The study postulated that narcissists would show more overall Facebook activity […]

On getting what we are thinking about

… When this happens to me, for instance I want to be able to swim, instead of taking lessons or going for swimming with friends, I keep rejecting my friends when they ask me for swimming. The reasons were I can’t swim, what am I supposed to do when you’re swimming, and many more crap reasons (I can say those were really crap reasons ;)). Well, you may say that, swimming doesn’t count, it’s not serious, not some kind of life achievement or special dream everyone wanted. …