Thought on losing something

*this post is a rewrite, my mistake for not saving it before I close the browser. So, it’s going to be short and sweet. When I look back at my calendar, I feel terrified. How can I survive such a busy month. I basically had one event another another, weekdays after work and weekends. I was longing for a long sleep for many weeks. Yet, there are another events awaits for me. Finally, my body can’t take it anymore. I […]

Thought on connecting with people

I’m sure that once a while, a question like “how can I connect better with that person?” popped inside our head. A friend who lets you to become yourself without the needs to worry is a gem. And what are the path that we need to walk to reach that stage? There are many. But there are two basic values that we need to have: honesty and sincerity. Honest is easy when it comes to saying good things. But, the […]

Thought on social media

Have you heard about Aston Kutcher twitter incident recently? You can check it out here and here, if you haven’t, and his post in his blog. What is social media anyway? And why is it such a big trend now? I’m not a social media expert, nor working as a social media spokesperson. But I use them, not only one but quite a lot. Let me share how my “addiction” is started. Personal branding I started working professionally as web developer, […]

What photography taught me so far

The first time I held a camera was in my primary six. I was going to a school excursion and all students need to write a report of what we learned from the trip. The report needs to have picture inside it. I brought a Fuji film camera – the point and shoot of that era. My dad taught me how to change the film but I still made the film burned because I opened it under the sun. Lesson […]

Never satisfied

When we are busy, we want some free time to do things we want to do; When we are free, we forgot to do that and busy looking for something else; When we are alone, we want someone or some friends or family to be around; When we are with them, we neglected them and acted like we didn’t need them.

Thoughts on other things

On being surrounded by non-geek people, In a way, it accentuates my personality. I’m different, or special. Imagine a scene from The Big Bang Theory where I’m the girl and my friends are the guys, just that it’s the other way around now. On interest to technical stuff, I got it from my dad, I think. I remember that I’m playing with TMNT or Tamiya or BB gun while I was kid rather than Barbie dolls. I played with lead […]

Thoughts on Apple

On remembering Steve Jobs, I remember the first time I heard about his name was after I graduated. A lecturer in campus showed his commencement speech in Stanford. I already felt that his speech was inspiring, really. I couldn’t imagine how thy speech can influence me so deep in the future. On knowing my campus is part of Apple campus, I know that Apple stuff is pretty unaffordable in Indonesia. Unless you make a fair earning. Last time I visited […]