Mid year checkpoint

Here we go again. Kartika is being lazy again. Perhaps it’s good idea to reinstate weekly mission and monthly mission like 2 years ago. Let’s see.. Anyway, let’s started to have reflection started from the most recent ones. In July. Highlight of July – Covid.Finally caught it. Not sure get it from whom or where. It’s just hit when you least expect it. Good thing is, I’m vaccinated compared to 2 years ago. Protocols around it also changes from quarantine […]

Hello 2022

It’s been awhile I haven’t been blogging here. But this year I’m planning to be more regularly back to this space. I don’t like to rant usually. But let’s take it this time is special come back 🤣 Sometimes it’s irritating when you’re sharing your thought process about your finding and the other party just say that I’m anyhow and saying it with condescending vibe that I’m such a failure When you’re doing analysis there are many ways If I […]

September 2021 log

Yes, it’s me. Still kicking and alive in 2021. Just that I really feel lost lately and that makes me lost motivation of doing anything. I just go with the flow, I do bare minimum to get by, things used to excites me .. don’t excite me anymore. But me being me, after accumulation of feeling meh, part of me started to protest and trying to break the cycle. Apparently, it’s not just me who feels it. Only I discovered […]

Hello 2021

Happy New Year! Can’t believe 2020 just went past. It would be a lie if it was passed slowly, but as we gotten used to with the new rhythm, it felt it’s just passed by. Don’t you think so? No? 😅 I was looking back at my blog for 2020. And it’s a little quiet. As quiet as desert 🏜 and I can hear the crow croaking. 🤣 One of the reason, not excuse, I simply shifting my priority to […]

Hello June!

I realised that my last post was when March was about to begin. So what happened in March, April and May? As we are nearing the end of May, let me share what happened to me from the most recent event. My friend alerted me about a Facebook post that 3 cats were abandoned under the block, and the post was around 15 mins ago. I didn’t know what came to my mind that time, but I changed, put masked […]

Hello March!

I haven’t been posting weekly like I used to do it in previous years. I feel jaded and posting for the sake of posting. Chased by the reminder that I need to tick this to move on. So, this year I tried something different. I’ll just post at least once a month and it’s more as reflection what had happened in previous month. So here are some of my lesson learnt in February On dealing with kid. I adopted a […]

Finding out what we do is the right thing to do

The first question popped is, how? I usually will go into a “cocoon” mode where I try to run all the possibilities in my head. Till my head is about to explode, then I’ll stop. Sometimes I’m quite satisfied with it. But sometimes I still not sure. Often I forget that if I discuss it with the right person, most of the times the solution is much simpler that what I have in mind. Then, the next question is, is […]

When everything is urgent, there is no urgency

I believe it also applies to importance of something. If everything is important, there is nothing important. Then the next question is, how do we prioritize? Some of the common prioritization which probably you had heard of are FIFO (First-In-First-Out), LIFO (Last-In-First-Out), or which task/project which will make your resume looks better (there is such thing), or by due date, or by complexity and many more. Almost the last week of the year, looking back, I was wondering where did […]