Slow down, buddy!

That’s what my friends told me recently. Sometimes without we realize, we often keep pacing ourselves to do more, to go further, to put in more. There is nothing wrong at all by pushing ourselves. But we have to know that we have our limit. There is no one knows us better than ourselves. Here is a story.

Taking turns

Imagine yourself in this scenario (I’m sure it’s not hard to imagine) One morning when you wake up, you have a very foul mood. Feel tired, you want to get back to your sleep but you can’t. You feel that you need to start your routine. On top of that, basically you don’t feel good about yourself. Familiar with the situation? You feel that you are at the bottom part of your life. You don’t feel inspired at all. Everything […]


When uncertainty comes, You wish that you have someone to hug you, pat you on your head and said don’t worry everything is going to be alright. When uncertainty comes, You think that the world is not fair, because it fails to give you what you want. When uncertainty comes, You feel that you are the worst person in the world, you are the bad kid that doesn’t deserve a nice present on your birthday. That’s how we feel normally […]

3 activities to find new inspiration

Recently, I have a mind block, again. It’s like a cycle, there are times when you are so full of energy that you believe that you are incredibles; and there are times when you are so down until you don’t know what you really want, I call it total desperation. Well, it’s normal. Everyone has it. Although there are different ways to handle this situation, even for myself sometimes this works and sometimes doesn’t, here is some of the alternatives […]