Too close

I heard this story from a talk, how big is your hand? It should not be that big right? But what happened when you put your hand too close to your eyes, would you be able to see? You wouldn’t be to, right? Because although our hand is not that big, it will cover our eyes. But if we stretch out our arm, we are still able to see the scenery as well as our hand.

When I heard that story, it struck me that I’ve been struggling over a problem because I keep it too close to me. That problem becomes the hand in that story, it covers my eyes. If I let the problem go away or not give me time to think of something else, actually the problem is not that big. I can clearly think what I should do to solve the problem.

From that story I learned that:

  • A small problem becomes a big one when we bring it closer to us that it should be
  • There are times I need to let go because keep thinking about it, won’t make me able to see clearly what are the other options available
  • Give yourself a rest

So, after giving myself a time to step back, I regain my strength and perspective. And the most important part is, stop complaining and just do it. I solved it in the end.