Can you work at office?

It started with a post on a a friend Facebook page. He put a link from TED (I put the link below), the speaker has a bold opinion (in my opinion) about what make people can’t work efficiently at office. After listening to it while I’m working on my module (I like to listen to talks occasionally rather than music to accompany me coding), I feel it makes sense in a way. He mentioned some of the reasons like, dreaded […]

Checking your intention when you do something

I’m quite sure that everyone will ever want to do something or want to be someone, making it as a goal, and starting to walk to reach the goal. As the time goes, some storms came and passed by, some hills needed  to be climbed and you will start question why you started this journey in the first place. You started to doubt your own goal. You sit alone by yourself and asked, “Why this journey started?” Maybe, you don’t […]

To be the best..

Be The Best of Whatever You Are If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill Be a scrub in the valley–but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass, And some highway some happier make; If you can’t be a muskie then just be a bass– But the liveliest bass in the […]

On being different

I often ask myself, am I different from others? How different I am from others? What make me different with others? I’ve been these self questioning myself countless sessions, over and over again. Have I found the answer? Or do I always find the answer? My answer is yes and no. Yes, sometimes I find the answer for it, but there are times  I don’t.