Juicy friendship

Juice of the day: Friendship. How many friends do you have? We made friends since we were young, at school, at tuition center (maybe), or at work. At each stage of our life, we had close friends whom help us through the storm of our life. Can you remember them? One by one? And named them?

Curiosity re-visited

Lesson of the day: curiosity. Have you ever heard about popular quote that “Curiosity kills the cat”? Hope you heard about it 🙂 I have a scenario. Let’s say that today you have a new colleague and some guests from other overseas office. You was told that there will be dinner with the guests on different date. Your new colleague will have twice while you have only one. Would you be curious, to find out the why?

Older or wiser, you choose

This trip was special. I celebrated my birthday with new (close) friends, on another country adventuring. Hong Kong is the fourth country I have my birthday. Usually on my birthday, my mom will cook mee-suah (面线) for me. It’s been a tradition in my family to eat noodles on our special occasion, such as birthday. Noodle means longevity by the way. Since I studied in Melbourne before, my mom can’t do it but she still asked me to make my […]

Lessons learnt from the road

One of the reasons I didn’t blog much last month is I was on a week overseas trip. There are some lessons learned within this period. I’d like to make note of it (into different post), as well as sharing it. This is the first time, I write a series of posts. So, I’m looking forward to hear what you think about it too. *UPDATE: Living virtually Having fun is harmless, really Older or wiser, you choose.. Tolerance tested

Just do it?

Recently I watched Green Zone starred Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear, and many more. An interesting dialog came out in the movie. Doing something for reason, not just the job. Sometimes it just happens to us. We have to do something either for work or maybe for ourselves, for our friends or our loved ones. Doing it is not the hardest part, but when it comes with specific request that we don’t really agree or against our conscience, will you still do  it?